About Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics™ (JPhysG) publishes articles on theoretical, experimental and computational topics in all areas of nuclear and particle physics, including nuclear and particle astrophysics. The journal welcomes submissions from any interface area between these fields and on methods and tools applied to topics across the scope of the journal.
All aspects of fundamental nuclear physics research, including:
- nuclear forces and few-body systems;
- nuclear structure and nuclear reactions;
- rare decays and fundamental symmetries;
- hadronic physics, lattice QCD;
- heavy-ion physics;
- hot and dense matter, QCD phase diagram.
All aspects of elementary particle physics research, including:
- high-energy particle physics;
- neutrino physics;
- phenomenology and theory;
- beyond standard model physics;
- electroweak interactions;
- QCD;
- fundamental symmetries.
All aspects of nuclear and particle astrophysics including:
- nuclear physics of stars and stellar explosions;
- nucleosynthesis;
- nuclear equation of state;
- astrophysical neutrino physics;
- cosmic rays;
- dark matter.
JPhysG publishes a variety of article types for the community. As well as high-quality research papers, this includes our prestigious topical review series, focus issues, and the rapid publication of letters.
Why should you publish in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics?
- Rigorous and fair peer review: we offer a rigorous and fair peer review service which is overseen by the journal’s Editorial Board. We aim for two expert reviewer reports on every article, ensuring quality and fairness. We are fast as well, where on average our papers receive a first decision in under 1 month, and are accepted in under 100 days.
- Fast publication: we are committed to providing you with a fast, professional service to ensure rapid first decision, acceptance and publication. Once accepted, your article will be accessible to readers within 24 hours and will include a citable DOI.
- Personal service: the peer review of every paper in JPhysG is personally overseen by an in-house Editorial team. If you have any questions we’re always on hand to help to make sure publishing is easy and stress free—just contact us!
- The arXiv: JPhysG recognises the role the arXiv plays in nuclear and particle physics. We therefore allow you to upload the accepted version of your paper to the arXiv, providing the correct citation is given. We can take files direct from the arXiv when you submit.
- Article flexibility: we consider brief, high-impact Letters and full research papers across our broad scope as well as our invited Topical Reviews and Focus Issues. There are no page limits or forced requirements for formatting submissions, and we publish any supplementary data at no extra charge. Let us know if you have any other requirements and we will be happy to help.
- Online services:
- track your article’s progress through peer review and production;
- deep links in author and reviewer emails streamline the peer review process;
- upload supplementary data with your article, hosted for free (such as videos, animations etc);
- sign up to receive alerts for your article, table of contents alerts, citation alerts and more;
- full online HTML with article statistics, citation tracking and reference linking;
- all JPhysG papers are fully archived and available in the scientific literature in perpetuity.
- Society owned: IOP Publishing is a leading society publisher of advanced physics research. Any profits generated by IOP Publishing are invested in the Institute of Physics, helping to support research, education and outreach around the world.
Article types
JPhysG welcomes submissions of the following article types:
Research papers: articles describing original and high-quality research work. All papers must be scientifically rigorous and of interest to the community, with conclusions representing an advance in the field.
Letters: brief articles reporting important, new and timely developments describing a substantial advance in the field. All letters must meet one of the following publication criteria:
- report significant new results or an important new discovery;
- make important advances on or provide a solution to a critical issue;
- report findings of major interest to a specific community or;
- demonstrate a new idea, experimental technique, theory or model which will have a potentially significant impact.
Topical reviews: comprehensive articles on areas of current interest usually personally commissioned by the Editorial Board. Topical reviews include a general overview and introduction for non-specialist scientists, present the state of the art and often address current problems and challenges within the field.
Major reports: JPhysG supports the community by publishing major reports, including technical reports, conceptual design reports, white papers and letters of intent. Previous publications include the Review of Particle Physics, and important reports from CERN experiments. Please contact us if your collaboration is interested in partnering with JPhysG.
Guides: all-encompassing articles which aim to educate readers on a method, technique, protocol, or code-base, define standards or procedures and/or proposes benchmarks. Guides are either aimed at young researchers, researchers wanting to learn a different technique or more experienced researchers moving into a new field. They are more didactic than a review article and generally define standards or procedures and/or proposes rules or benchmarks, with a goal of focusing and unifying a diverse scientific activity in a given domain of physics. Typically published by invitation or recommendation of the Editorial Board however uninvited submissions are also considered. Authors should indicate the intended audience within the article.
This journal publishes Focus issues, which are special collections of articles on a specific theme, often invited by the issue’s Guest Editor(s).
Peer review
The following summary describes the peer review process for Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, using the ANSI/NISO Standard Terminology for Peer Review:
- Identity transparency: single-anonymous, double-anonymous (author choice)
- Reviewer interacts with: Editor
- Review information published: review reports (author and reviewer opt in), author/editor communication, reviewer identities (reviewer opt in)
Our Publishing Support website provides more information on our reviewing process as well as checklists in both English and Chinese language to help authors prepare their manuscripts for submission.
If an article is not accepted for publication, we may offer the author the opportunity to transfer their submission to other suitable journals we publish.
Inclusivity and diversity
IOP Publishing recognises that there are inequalities within the scientific publishing and research ecosystems. We are committed to a progressive approach to inclusivity and diversity, and are working hard to eliminate discrimination to foster an equitable and welcoming publishing environment for all.
IOP Publishing follows Guidelines on Inclusive Language and Images in Scholarly Communication to ensure that journal articles use bias-free and culturally sensitive communication. We ask authors to please follow these guidelines in their manuscript submissions.
More information about our work on inclusivity is available on our Open Physics hub.
Research data
Please note that this policy requires authors to include a data availability statement in their article.
For any questions about the policy please contact the journal.
Many research funders now require authors to make all data related to their research available in an online repository. Please refer to the policy for further information about research data, data repositories and data citation.
Open access
Alternatively authors who do not select the gold open access option can choose a green open access route to publication.
For more information on IOP Publishing’s open access policies please see our Open access page. For our author rights policies please see our Author rights page.
Publication charges
Publication on a subscription-access basis is free of charge.
Authors have the option to pay the following article publication charge (APC) to publish their article on an open access basis under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence.
GBP | EUR | USD | |
Article publication charge* | £2410 | €2765 | $3325 |
Reduced article publication charge* for Group B countries** | £500 | €575 | $675 |
Reduced article publication charge for Group A countries** | £0 | €0 | $0 |
*excluding VAT where applicable
**eligibility criteria can be found here
APCs only apply to articles accepted for publication; there are no submission charges.
There are no other charges for publishing in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics.
Transformative Agreements
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics is included in our transformative agreements which allow authors from some institutions to publish open access without paying an APC.Find out if you’re covered by an agreement
If you are covered by an agreement, use our author guide to help you submit your paper.
Paying for open access
Various discounts, waivers and funding arrangements are available to support our authors. Visit our Paying for open access page for further details.
Abstracting and indexing services
We work with our authors to help make their work as easy to discover as possible. JPhysG is currently included in the following abstracting and discovery services:
- ISI (Science Citation Index®, SciSearch®, ISI Alerting Services, Current Contents®/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences)
- Scopus
- Inspec
- Chemical Abstracts Service
- GeoRef
- INIS Atomindex (International Nuclear Information System)
- NASA Astrophysics Data System
- PASCAL Database
- PubMed
- VINITI Abstracts Journal (Referativnyi Zhurnal)