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EPL (Europhysics Letters)

About EPL


EPL publishes original, high-quality Letters in all areas of physics, ranging from condensed matter topics and interdisciplinary research to astrophysics, geophysics, plasma and fusion sciences, including those with application potential.

As of January 2022, EPL publishes articles under a new list of sections. These 10 sections replace the former PACS sections. The following list provides more details on the EPL sections. When you submit your article, please select the section most applicable to the topic of your article (only one section can be selected). If your paper is accepted, it will be published in the Section of your choice in an EPL issue.

  • General physics
    Includes classical and quantum physics, acoustics, special relativity, and all topics not covered elsewhere
  • Statistical physics and networks
    Includes classical and quantum thermodynamics, kinetic theory and machine learning
  • Mathematical and interdisciplinary physics
    Includes geophysics, climate, social systems, complexity
  • Fluid and nonlinear dynamics
    Includes chaos, turbulence, micro and nanofluidic
  • Nuclear and plasma physics, particles and fields
    Includes nonlinear phenomena in plasmas, particle models and particle interactions, experimental methods
  • Atomic, molecular and optical physics
    Includes classical electromagnetism and quantum optics, lasers, cold atoms and matter waves, chemical physics
  • Condensed matter and materials physics
    Includes electronic, thermodynamic and mechanical structure, magnetism, mesoscopic physics, superconductivity and topological phases
  • Biological and soft matter physics
    Includes biological complexity, rheology, granular media, polymers, phase transitions and thermodynamic properties
  • Quantum information
    Includes quantum processing, quantum computation, quantum protocols, quantum simulation, and quantum sensing
  • Gravitation, cosmology and astrophysics
    Includes general relativity, quantum gravity, dark matter, inflation, gravitational waves

Article types

EPL welcomes submissions of the following article types:

  • Letters submitted to EPL should contain important, timely new results, ideas, concepts, experimental methods, theoretical treatments, etc. in all fields of physics and related areas whose relevance means that they will be of interest to both researchers in the field and to a wider section of the physics community. The presentation should satisfy the specialist, yet remain understandable to researchers in other fields through a suitable, clearly written introduction and conclusion.
  • Perspectives are commentaries authored by some of the leading researchers in a variety of different topics within the scope of EPL, aiming to highlighting the significance, impact, progress and wider implications of their research field. Submissions are only by invitation. The requirements for these articles are exactly the same as for regular research letters, as described above. Perspectives are included in the current online issues of the journal.

Focus issues contain a diverse selection of invited-only articles written by expert researchers, each issue serving to highlight exciting work conducted in active areas of particular current interest identified by the Editorial Board. A member of the Editorial Board will normally serve as Guest Editor for a particular issue. All contributions are completely free to read. The requirements for these articles are exactly the same as for regular research letters, as described above. Focus articles are included in the current issues of the journal.


EPL has an agreement with many journals published by IOP Publishing, including the Journal of Physics series, and also with EDP Sciences and SIF publications, including the European Physical Journal series. Click here for more details.


EPL is published under the scientific policy and control of the European Physical Society by EDP Sciences, IOP Publishing and Società Italiana di Fisica. For more information on the EPL publishing arrangements visit the partners page.

Many of the articles published in EPL contain interesting scientific figures, which have been a source of inspiration to our Design Studio. This collection showcases the EPL covers which you can download.

Editorial policy

Information about the publication criteria for EPL and the peer review process can be found on our Editorial policy page.


EPL maintains the highest standards of publication and research ethics. Authors are expected to comply with EPL‘s ethical policy.

Research data

Many research funders now require authors to make all data related to their research available in an online repository. Information about research data, data repositories and data citation can be found in EPL’s Data Policy section of the instructions for authors.

Open access

For more information on EPL‘s open access policies please see our Open access page.

Publication charges

EPL is a hybrid open access journal. Subscription publication is free of charge.

Authors have the option to pay the following article publication charge (APC) to publish their article on an open access basis under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence.

Article publication charge* £1525 €1725 $1895

*excluding VAT where applicable

APCs only apply to articles accepted for publication; there are no submission charges.

Paying for open access

Various discounts, waivers and funding arrangements are available to support our authors. Visit our Paying for open access page to find out whether you qualify.

Abstracting and indexing services

We work with our authors to help make their work as easy to discover as possible. EPL is currently included in the following abstracting and discovery services:

  • Baidu Scholar
  • Chemical Abstracts Service
  • CNKI
  • GeoRef
  • INIS (International Nuclear Information System)
  • Inspec
  • J-Gate
  • JST
  • MyScienceWork
  • NASA Astrophysics Data System
  • Naver Academic
  • ProQuest Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Collection
  • ProQuest Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database
  • ProQuest Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Index
  • ProQuest Aerospace Database
  • ProQuest Central
  • ProQuest SciTech Premium Collection
  • ProQuest Solid State and Superconductivity Abstracts
  • ProQuest Technology Collection
  • R Discovery
  • Scilit
  • Scopus
  • Semantic Scholar
  • Wanfang Data
  • Web of Science (Science Citation Index Expanded, Current Contents Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences, Essential Science Indicators)
  • WTI AG
  • x-mol
  • Yewno

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