Author Insights
Author Insights – Short Blogs
Discover valuable and informative blogs from people in the scientific and publishing industries, to support you on your research publishing journey.
Increase Publication Chances: Why Comprehensive Technical Feedback and Artwork Formatting Matter
The global pool of researchers is growing rapidly. Between 2014 and 2018, it grew three times faster than the population. With so many researchers entering the academic ecosystem, how can you give your unpublished manuscript an edge?
Achieving publication success hinges on more than just a compelling narrative and robust arguments. It demands meticulous attention to detail in every aspect of your manuscript. Professional editing services play a crucial role in this process by not only refining language and formatting, but also offering expert evaluation.
A comprehensive technical review of your paper can provide several key benefits:
- Overall structure improvement: A good technical review will offer insights on every aspect of your research, from the study design to literature review to the presentation of the results.
- Specific technical inputs: Some editing services have teams of experts, who have published and peer-reviewed papers in major journals, that can provide incisive comments and pre-empt reviewer concerns.
- Clear reporting of results: Technical reviews offer perspectives on the robustness of your data analysis and the logical flow of your reasoning, both of which are critical for acceptance.
- Consistency of figures: A mislabeled legend or incorrectly gradated axis can cause a mismatch between your figure and manuscript text. A technical review ensures that such inconsistencies are addressed before submission.
At IOP Publishing, we offer a Rapid Technical Review service designed to closely resemble the peer review process. We provide a detailed technical report within five days, along with actionable recommendations to enhance your manuscript. Additionally, our Artwork Preparation service ensures your figures are consistent and meet journal requirements, without you having to expend precious time and effort or the purchase cost of special graphics software.
Trust IOP Publishing to provide the expert feedback and support you need for manuscript success. Visit our website today:
5 Things You Should Be Doing After Publishing Your Research Article
In this article, Hazel Rowland, Associate Marketing Manager at IOP Publishing, shares what researchers can do to increase the potential impact of their article once they have published.
“Congratulations, you have published your research. But don’t stop there. It’s important to amplify your research, to ensure the scientific community, and beyond, gets to see it.
As a marketer working for a non-profit scientific publishing company, I have some top tips which you can follow to help you get your research out into the world and making an impact.”
- Work with your publisher: We have several ways to help promote your papers. By working with your publisher and getting involved—like sharing on social media, providing testimonials and tagging your work—you can give your research an extra boost and make it more visible on various marketing platforms.
- Socials: Ensure you are using your own social media channels to promote your research and engage with the scientific community and institutions. Don’t forget to tag your publisher’s account, journal accounts if there are any, institutions and any of the relevant researchers included in your work. You can also use social media to get involved in relevant online discussions around your research. The best way to grow your audience online is to share your research and interact with your followers. You could even include video content to explain your research further.
- Tell a story with your research: Explain, in lay terms, why your research is important. Reach out to science magazines, podcasts, blogs and media outlets, such as Physics World, drawing out key themes from your research, and what it aims to achieve.
- Use the support and networks available to you: Start by contacting your institution’s press office for guidance on promoting your work. Reach out to colleagues in your field to see if they have connections with relevant media, journalists or blog sites. Share your research with colleagues who have a strong social media following or a relevant contact list. Additionally, explore scholarly collaboration networks like ResearchGate and Scopus. Consider emailing those you’ve referenced in your article, as well as key figures in the field, with links to your work. You can also connect with those citing your work on Altmetrics; if a blog, podcast or researcher from another field has mentioned your work, it might open the door to valuable collaboration opportunities.
- Events: When attending in-person events, bring along flyers, including QR codes, linking to your article. Distribute these while you network amongst researchers with similar research interests. Interact online with other delegates during conferences and industry events. Use X, formally Twitter, to find out the official hashtag and tweet during and after sessions.
Open Access – What’s in It for Me?

When your work is published behind a paywall, it’s only those with a subscription who can access it. Even then, they have to be logged in, sitting within their institutional IP range or using a remote access method. Although there are many initiatives and technologies designed to make this easier, readers often need to put in the extra effort to access your paper. When work is published open access it’s immediately available to everyone, with no extra steps, logins or barriers to get over. Simply put, if someone wants to read your work, they can do so effortlessly.
So, it makes sense that open access papers are downloaded more times than papers published behind the paywall. We analyzed the difference and found an average increase of 70% higher downloads for open access than non-open access. And to make the comparison more accurate we took papers published within the same journal, to minimize any differences for subject area and reach between different journals. The same uplift was evident when it came to citations, with open access papers being cited 15% more than non-open access articles in the same journal.
Open access means free to everyone, and access is no longer restricted to researchers at institutions who have paid for it. We’ve heard many times that authors publishing open access have been surprised at some of the connections they have made. Your work can reach the public, journalists and experts in other fields. By publishing open access, you can open doors to unexpected connections and collaborations, and who knows what insights might emerge?
Many authors want to get their research out there as soon as possible, and use early sharing platforms such as arXiv. These are called pre-prints, which refers to the version of an article before peer review or editing. In other words, exactly the way it was submitted to the journal.
Preprints are freely available, so some authors question the need to publish their paper open access. But the final version, or ‘version of record’ – the one that undergoes peer review, editing formatting and typesetting – is widely acknowledged by the scientific community as the preferred and most credible source. Open access ensures that this version reaches a wider audience complete with enhancements and corrections.
In summary, open access isn’t just about breaking down paywalls, it’s also about increasing impact, fostering connections and sharing your research in its best form. A win-win for you and the global scientific community. To find out more about open access and our helpful tools, visit our Open Access Resource Page.
Did you know? Many researchers can publish open access at no cost to themselves through a transformative agreement. Find out if your institution could cover your open access costs.
Dr Eden Morales-Narváez: What to Expect - Publishing Your First Article
We chat with Dr Eden Morales Narvaez, winner of the Emerging Leaders 2020 award in JPhys Photonics, who has published over 20 papers, starting with his first paper on Plasmonic colored nanopaper: a potential preventive healthcare tool against threats emerging from uncontrolled UV exposure published in 2019. Eden is now an editorial board member for the JPhys Photonics journal.
What made you decide to publish your first research paper?
“A great mentor combined with surprising results led me to publish my first paper.
I joined Professor Arben Merkoçi’s team (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology) in early 2011. In those times, our research team was very motivated by graphene: the wonder material. So, I performed some experiments with graphene oxide and discovered that we were able to quench the photoluminescence of quantum dots with an almost 100% efficiency.
At the beginning, I did not feel convinced about these surprising results that I was getting (I believed that perhaps my results were wrong), but a chat with my mentor was really encouraging, and then my mind changed completely. I remember that he said: Yes, Eden, people in science get surprising results, people do that! So, my mentor vitalized my self-confidence, and this was simply the starting point of my first research paper and somehow my scientific journey. Nowadays, I still publish papers taking advantage of the wonder material and its photoluminescence quenching capabilities.”
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you were starting the process to publish your paper?
“I have to confess that at the beginning I was looking for a publication related to the biomedical field, because my thesis was expected to be focused in such a field. However, when I published my first paper in the materials field, I realized that early career researchers can modify the scope of their thesis to eventually unveil new steps and future opportunities in their career.
Besides, I am now aware that writing skills are your Swiss Army knife to succeed in the process to publish your paper. Editors and reviewers demand high quality papers, but they also enjoy manuscripts nicely and clearly written, the same as the readers. Professor Osvaldo Oliveira (University of São Paulo) says that writing skills are your best investment as a scientist and he also points out that a scientist with good writing skills is much better equipped than a scientist with other kinds of skills or resources. I could not agree more with Professor Oliveira.”
What did you enjoy/not-enjoy about publishing your research?
“I enjoyed sharing and discussing my published results in conferences and presentations. Seeing that my peers were reading and citing my research was also very satisfying. But no one enjoys rejection of their manuscripts, which is also part of the journey. Rejection is discouraging, but it is also an opportunity to change the scope of your research and/or improve the quality of your manuscript.”
How can IOP Publishing help early career researchers who are starting out in their publishing journey?
“Offer webinars on writing skills, promote all type of tools which are valuable in such a journey and explain their particularities and usefulness; for example, scientific search engines, journal suggesters/finders, plagiarism detectors, journal citation reports, research metrics, etc.”
Are there any tips, tools or websites that you would recommend?
- Feel passionate about your field or research topic. Mix such a passion with patience and resilience, which are crucial abilities to be developed in a scientific career.
- Seek a mentor whose results are inspirational and motivating for you. Mentors not only shape your current career but also the future of your career.
- Invest in your writing skills (as highlighted by Professor Oliveira).
- In order to publish innovative literature, you have to be aware of the state-of-the art in your field.
- Read, read and read more, especially the journals you would like to publish in.
- Be critical, spot agreements, gaps and controversies in your field.
- One of your goals should be to write and publish a review article related to your thesis/research topic.
- Avoid plagiarism, this type of misconduct can be easily spotted by peers using tools like ithenticate.
- Promote your research on social media using messages easy to understand. Social media is a perfect way to reach society, decision-makers, colleagues and stakeholders. Follow and interact with inspirational colleagues on social media.
- If you are not sure about the target journal of your manuscript, I recommend Master Journal List. This fantastic tool helps you to find suitable journals for your manuscript depending on the title and abstract.
What did you do after you published your paper? Did you promote it? How?
“The acceptance and publication of your first paper is a very special moment. Nausea, by Beck, was playing on my computer when I received the news of the acceptance of my first publication (I will never forget it). I happily jumped from my seat and celebrated the good news with my wife. In those times, I was not particularly active on social media but I immediately had the opportunity to share my results in NanoSpain 2012 (Santander), where I received valuable feedback on my research. It was really useful to plan new experiments and future work.”
How has publishing your paper influenced your career and networking?
“As I previously mentioned, I still publish papers taking advantage of the wonder material and its photoluminescence quenching capabilities. I am also the inventor of two related patents and several of my post-graduate students are developing their thesis taking advantage of the wonder material, even in translational settings. My networking opportunities were also enhanced; for instance, together with prestigious colleagues, I have organized some special issues dealing with 2D materials in reputable journals, I have several collaborations related to 2D materials and I have been invited by many editors to review countless manuscripts related to graphene derivatives. My first paper is also one of the most cited in my list of research papers. Definitely, that first publication represents a cornerstone in my career and networking opportunities.”
What would you say to an early career researcher who is asking the question “Should I consider publishing my research?”
“Absolutely! It will boost your career!”
Professor Caterina Cocchi: What to Expect - Publishing Your First Article
We talk to Professor Caterina Cocchi, who has been heavily involved in Electronic Structure (EST)’s Emerging Leaders issues (2020 and 2021) as well as past events, and who has also joined EST as a guest editor.
How can IOP Publishing help early career researchers who are starting out in their publishing journey?
“IOP Publishing and publishers in general could offer more resources to train young scientists to write papers and to act as peer reviewers. For some unknown reason, academic education does not typically include official seminars or training about scientific writing and publishing. Both activities are typically passed on from mentor to mentee, naturally generating big gaps among scientists, which may ultimately affect their career. The ability to write a clear and convincing scientific text is not only key for publishing good papers but also to win grants, positions and, ultimately, to be visible in the community.”
Are there any tips, tools or websites that you would recommend?
“When writing a paper, it is important to communicate a clear message and to give the manuscript a clear structure. Also, using only essential words is much more effective than diluting the content in endless prose. During the peer-review process, it is important to always consider the referees’ comments on a factual level. Never take them personally.
I follow a few blogs about scientific writing. I can definitely suggest the one by Anna Clemens. It is regularly updated and offers a broad spectrum of suggestions and hints about scientific writing and about the whole publication process.”
What did you do after you published your paper? Did you promote it? How?
“I published my first paper in 2010 and back then social media was not very much used by the scientific community. To disseminate, I attended a number of conferences and workshops in which I presented the results of that paper.”
What would you say to an early career researcher who is asking the question “Should I consider publishing my research?”
“Publishing is the essence of scientific work. Any piece of work that is not published or disseminated to the community simply does not exist. Hence, if you want to give visibility to your work, you have to publish it. Very often, I see in young scientists the fear of submitting something that is not perfect, and this is usually the cause of big delays in publications. My motto is “published is better than perfect” and I encourage my young co-workers to wrap up their work effectively and disseminate it in a timely manner. Should the results be disproved later, well, this is how science works, right?”
Top Five Tips for Early Career Researchers
Below are some of our top tips for early career researchers who are looking at publishing their first article.
1 – Promoting and networking is important:
- Take part in discussions and presentations at conferences and workshops to present the results of your paper.
- Use social media to get your messages across in an accessible way.
2 – Rejection isn’t bad:
- Rejection is part of the journey – it’s an opportunity to change the scope of your research as well, potentially unveiling new steps and future opportunities.
- Always consider the referees’ comments on a factual level. Never take them personally.
3 – Writing skills are key:
- Writing skills are your “Swiss Army knife” to succeed in publishing your paper.
- Make sure you have clear and well written manuscripts.
- There are useful blogs and websites about scientific writing.
4 – Keep on top of the research in your area:
- Be aware of the state-of-the art in your field.
- Read more, especially the journals you would like to publish in.
5 – Pros of publishing
- “Any piece of work that is not published or disseminated to the community simply does not exist.”
- Having published work helps networking and other opportunities for your career.
- “The ability to write a clear and convincing scientific text is not only key for publishing good papers but also to win grants, positions and, ultimately, to be visible in the community.”
Alongside this, we also have an extremely useful Publishing Support hub for both authors and reviewers that offers free resources such as:
- Article templates – both double and single anonymous templates. These may help to speed the publication of accepted articles.
- Editage – language and figure editing services. Helping you prepare your paper ready for submissions.
- Track my article – a platform which helps you find out where in the journey your paper is at.
- Paperpal Preflight – a free pre submission feedback service which checks for and highlights issues before you submit your paper.
- IOP Academy resources and events – workshops, webinars and online training covering various aspects of publishing in journals.
- Submission checklist – check you have covered everything before submitting your paper.