Submitting your manuscript
The manuscript must be complete before we can commence work on your book. This includes all text, figure and multimedia files, any auxiliary material and the permissions details. Please speak to your commissioning editor to confirm how your final manuscript will be submitted.
Please follow our Submission Checklist to ensure complete submission of manuscript and associated files that will allow timely production and subsequent publication of your book.
Submission checklist
- Text
- Have you included all contact information for yourself and any contributors? Note that contact information includes street address, email address, telephone number and current affiliation.
- Have you included all necessary front matter material, including
- Title page, with full title, subtitle and author names and affiliations as you wish them to appear on the book
- Preface (if included)
- Table of contents, full
- Author or editor biographies, including photographs
- List of contributors (if an edited collection)
- Dedication (if included)
- Acknowledgements (if included)
- Other e.g. foreword etc (if included)
- Have you supplied an abstract for each chapter?
- Have you provided one source file per chapter that includes all text, tables, references and figure captions? Suitable file formats include MS Word or LaTeX.
- Are the references included at the chapter level, and not as one list at the end of the book?
- Are the chapter files named correctly and consistently, for example ch01.docx?
- Have you included PDF version of the manuscript (both text and art), with all fonts included?
- Is there a reference call within the text for every figure and table?
- Is there a figure number and caption for every figure?
- Is there a number and caption for every table?
- Artwork
- Is each and every figure in the chapter saved as its own separate file?
- Have you saved and named these figure files according to figure number?
- Are the illustrations saved at the correct resolution and size?
- Are the figures saved in the correct format? (We prefer EPS, PDF, WMF, TIFF, GIF, JPEG or BMP.)
- Are any video clips or animated figures saved in an acceptable file format? (We prefer MPEG, QuickTime, Windows AVI or Animated GIF.)
- Are any video clips or animated figures saved at at a suitable resolution and size?
- Have you included a representative frame from your movie or animation that included in the manuscript as a figure?
- Permissions
- Have you completed a Permissions Clearance Form, and included it with the manuscript?
- Have you sought and been granted the appropriate permission to use any material owned by a third party?
- Have you included copies of these permissions?
- Have you appropriately cited any material that is not original?
- Other
- Have you returned your Marketing Questionnaire?
- Have you created, or will you be creating a video abstract for your book?