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IOP Science

Eligible Journals for Transformative Agreements

Please check your relevant support page here to see which journal lists apply for your agreement.

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Additionally, you may find our author guide for submitting under a transformative agreement helpful.

  • List A: Journals included in all transformative agreements;
  • List B: Society partner journals;
  • List C: The Electrochemical Society journals;
  • List D: Gold open access journals.

List A: Journals included in all transformative agreements.

Reports on Progress in Physics does not include review article types.

Journal acronym Online ISSN Title
2DM 2053-1583 2D Materials
BB 1748-3190 Bioinspiration & Biomimetics
BF 1758-5090 Biofabrication
BMM 1748-605X Biomedical Materials
BPEX 2057-1976 Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express
CQG 1361-6382 Classical and Quantum Gravity
EJP 1361-6404 European Journal of Physics
ERX 2631-8695 Engineering Research Express
EST 2516-1075 Electronic Structure
FPE 2058-8585 Flexible and Printed Electronics
IP 1361-6420 Inverse Problems
JBR 1752-7163 Journal of Breath Research
JMM 1361-6439 Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
JNE 1741-2552 Journal of Neural Engineering
JOPT 2040-8986 Journal of Optics
JPCM 1361-648X Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
JPhysA 1751-8121 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
JPhysB 1361-6455 Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
JPhysD 1361-6463 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
JPhysG 1361-6471 Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
JRP 1361-6498 Journal of Radiological Protection
MAF 2050-6120 Methods and Applications in Fluorescence
MET 1681-7575 Metrologia
MSMSE 1361-651X Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
MST 1361-6501 Measurement Science and Technology
NANO 1361-6528 Nanotechnology
NANOFUT 2399-1984 Nano Futures
NON 1361-6544 Nonlinearity
PB 1478-3975 Physical Biology
PE 1361-6552 Physics Education
PMB 1361-6560 Physics in Medicine & Biology
PMEA 1361-6579 Physiological Measurement
PPCF 1361-6587 Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
PRGB 2516-1091 Progress in Biomedical Engineering
PRGE 2516-1083 Progress in Energy
PS 1402-4896 Physica Scripta
PSST 1361-6595 Plasma Sources Science and Technology
QST 2058-9565 Quantum Science & Technology
ROPP 1361-6633 Reports on Progress in Physics (excludes review article types)
SMS 1361-665X Smart Materials and Structures
SST 1361-6641 Semiconductor Science and Technology
STMP 2051-672X Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties
SUST 1361-6668 Superconductor Science and Technology

List B: Society Partner journals

These are hybrid journals that we manage in partnership with the society publishers. Please check the relevant agreement page prior to submission.

Journal acronym Online ISSN Title
EPL 1286-4854 EPL
FDR 1873-7005 Fluid Dynamics Research
FCS 2631-6331 Functional Composites and Structures
JJAP 1347-4065 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
JCAP 1475-7516 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
JINST 1748-0221 Journal of Instrumentation
JSTAT 1742-5468 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
LP 1555-6611 Laser Physics
LPL 1612-202X Laser Physics Letters
PASP 1538-3873 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific

List C: The Electrochemical Society (ECS) Journals

Please check the relevant agreement page prior to submission. If ECS journals are not covered by your transformative agreement, please check to see if your institution subscribes to ECS Plus.

Journal acronym Online ISSN Journal Name
JSS 2162-8777 ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology
JES 1945-7111 Journal of the Electrochemical Society

List D: Gold open access journals

These are fully open access journals. Please check the relevant agreement page prior to submission to see if List D is funded by your institution.

Journal acronym Online ISSN Journal Name
APEX  1882-0786 Applied Physics Express
ECS Advances 2754-2734 ECS Advances*
ECS Sensors Plus 2754-2726 ECS Sensors Plus*
ERC 2515-7620 Environmental Research Communications
ERCL 2752-5295 Environmental Research: Climate*
ERE 2752-664X Environmental Research: Ecology*
ERH 2752-5309 Environmental Research: Health*
ERIS 2634-4505 Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability*
ERL 1748-9326 Environmental Research Letters
JPCO 2399-6528 Journal of Physics: Communications
JPCOMPLEX 2632-072X Journal of Physics: Complexity
JPENERGY 2515-7655 Journal of Physics: Energy
JPMATER 2515-7639 Journal of Physics: Materials
JPPHOTON 2515-7647 Journal of Physics: Photonics
MLST 2632-2153 Machine Learning: Science and Technology
MQT 2633-4356 Materials for Quantum Technology*
MRX 2053-1591 Materials Research Express
NANOX 2632-959X Nano Express
NCE 2634-4386 Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering*
NF  1741-4326 Nuclear Fusion
NJP 1367-2630 New Journal of Physics

*100% introductory waiver is currently applied.