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IOP Science

Definitions: other definitions

Closed Deposit

means ‘only the abstract of the article is discoverable to anyone with an internet connection on a non-commercial institutional or non-commercial subject repository, and the full text is not available to read or download during the Embargo Period’

Creative Commons Licence

is one of several public open access licences that enable the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted work, subject to adhering to certain terms as specified in the licence:

Date of Acceptance

is ‘the date that the author is notified by the Journal that (i) their manuscript has been reviewed by the Journal or conference (normally via peer review), (ii) all academically necessary changes have been made in response to that review, (iii) the article is ready to be passed to production for copy editing and typesetting and (iv) the article has been accepted’.

Date of Publication

is ‘the date of first online publication on IOPscience of the Final Published Version by the Journal, as that date is specified on the article’.

Embargo Period

is ‘a period of 12 months from the Date of Publication’.

Named Author

is ‘each of the authors named as an author on the article’ and Named Authors shall be construed accordingly.

Personal Website

is a ‘website and/or blog relating to the author and their work, the content of which is controlled by them and (i) may be on their personal page on their institution or department’s website or (ii) may be hosted by them at a separate IP address or mobile site altogether, which could be linked directly to their institution’s or department’s website. It does not include their institution’s subject or department pages, an institutional or subject repository or a page on a Scientific Social Network or any form of commercial site’.

Scientific Social Network(s)

is an ‘online scientific community platform for scientific communication and interactivity which generally includes, but is not limited to, users having the ability to chat and make comments on forums, post their profiles, deposit documents in repository facilities, share information and research, find collaborators, work on shared documents together and manage collaborative projects within groups’.

Statement of Provenance

This is the Accepted Manuscript version of an article accepted for publication in [NAME OF JOURNAL].IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at [insert DOI]

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In the case of any discrepancy between the definitions contained on this page and those on the Copyright Form, the definitions on the Copyright Form will prevail.