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Physics-Uspekhi (Advances in Physical Sciences) is the English edition (cover-to-cover translation) of the Russian monthly journal Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk (UFN). Translation into English started in 1958 with Russian volume 66. From 1958 until 1992 the journal was published by the American Institute of Physics under the title Soviet Physics-Uspekhi and since 1993 under its current title Physics-Uspekhi. In 1994 and 1995 Physics-Uspekhi was published jointly by Turpion Ltd and UFN. Since the beginning of 1996 Physics-Uspekhi is being translated, edited, typeset, and published in Moscow by UFN, printed in London and distributed in partnership with Turpion Ltd. Since January 2008, IOP Publishing has hosted the online version of the journal.

For detailed submission guidelines, please visit the Physics-Uspekhi website

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