Editorial board
Gary Williams Institute of Physics, UK
Deputy Editors
Book Reviews
Clare Thomson British Physics Olympiad, London, UK
Equipment Reviews
John Kinchin The King’s (The Cathedral) School (Retd.), Peterborough, UK
Editorial Board
Ian Beddow DCAE Cosford (Retd.), UK
Rosie Boparai St Bede’s Inter-church School, Cambridge
Stephanie Grant Norwich School, UK
Mark Harrison King Edward’s School, Bath, UK
Judith Hillier University of Oxford, UK
David Housden St Bernard’s College, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
Gareth Kelly Aberphysics, UK
Samuel D Koidia Nusrat Senior Secondary School, The Gambia
David R Lapp Tamalpais High School, Mill Valley, USA
Stanley Micklavzina University of Oregon, Eugene, USA
Shinjiro Ogawa Waseda University High School, Tokyo, Japan
Kerry Parker Wellington High School, New Zealand
Ann-Marie Pendrill Göteborg University and Chalmers, Sweden
Daryl Phillips Ysgol Bro Pedr, UK
Damian Pope Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada
David Richardson Clifton College, UK
Josip Slisko Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico
Michael Vollmer University of Applied Sciences Brandenburg, Germany
Sihui Wang Nanjing University, China