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IOP Science

Environmental Research Letters

Editorial board


The international Editorial Board includes prominent researchers and emerging leaders from all areas of environmental science. The Editor-in-Chief provides leadership and management of the Editorial Board and influences the strategy of the Journal, in co-operation with the Publisher. The Editorial Board is comprised of two sections; with the Executive Editorial Board focused on article commissioning, and the Editorial Board focused on peer reviewing activities.

Both Editorial Board sections are encouraged to collaborate, and act as ambassadors for the Journal and IOPP; fostering strong relationships between the journal and the scientific community. Through the process of Board Member appointment, we strive to meet aims for gender, geographic, and ethnic diversity.

Environmental Research Letters also has an advisory panel.


Radhika Khosla University of Oxford, UK
Energy consumption, climate change, developing countries, cities, built environment, cooling and extreme heat

Executive Editorial Board

Laura Diaz Anadon University of Cambridge, UK
Energy policy, science and innovation policy, technological change, energy systems analysis, renewable energy, nuclear power, research and development, climate change mitigation, decision-making under uncertainty, sustainable development, integrated resource management

Wenjia Cai Tsinghua University, China
Climate mitigation, climate impacts, pollution, environmental economics, renewable energy, emission scenarios, bioenergy and regional climate mitigation

Kyle Davis University of Delaware, USA
Food system sustainability and resilience, socio-environmental effects of large-scale land acquisitions, human migration and environmental change, global food supply chain disruptions

Navroz K. Dubash Princeton University, USA
Climate change, energy, air pollution, water policy, and the politics of regulation in the developing world

Dustin Garrick University of Waterloo, Canada
Water economics, water governance, climate adaptation, biodiversity and conservation policy, agricultural (water) management, sustainable urbanisation, collective action, commons governance, human-water systems

Scott Goetz Northern Arizona University, USA
Ecosystem responses to climate change, feedbacks between forest productivity, disturbance and climate, remote sensing, land use change, biodiversity

Naota Hanasaki National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
Hydrology, climate change impacts and adaptation, infrastructure, dams and reservoirs, environmental indicators trade, food, Asia, Integrated Assessment Modelling, environmental databases, Earth System Modelling

Paulina Jaramillo Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Energy systems analysis, sustainable energy systems, energy for global development, power system modelling, life cycle assessment, energy and climate change, energy and air quality, energy for transportation, climate impacts and mitigation, climate adaptation

Myanna Lahsen Earth System Science Center of the Brazilian Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil
Science-policy-society interface, environmental risk perceptions and uncertainty, transitions towards sustainability, politics of environmental knowledge and expertise (epistemic governance), anthropology/sociology of science, food and water security and governance, media analysis and political economy of mass media, United States, Latin America, the Global South.

Jintai Lin Peking University, China
Globalizing air pollution, transboundary pollution through atmospheric processes and economic trade activities, local-regional-global scale interactions, air pollutants – particulate matter, nitrogen oxides and ozone, chemical transport models, climate-chemistry models, satellite remote sensing, top-down emission estimate, environmental input-output analysis, and consumption-based environmental accounting

Mark New University of Cape Town, South Africa
Climate change monitoring, detection, attribution, regional climate modelling and scenarios, climate vulnerability, impacts and adaptation, climate policy

Chukwumerije Okereke University of Bristol, UK
Global environmental governance, climate change politics/policy, international relations/regime theory, ethics and justice in international institutions, international/global political economy, oil politics, North-South equity

Shonali Pachauri International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria
Energy poverty and access, energy and environmental economics, energy and development, energy and climate policy

Fubao Sun Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Global hydrology, climate change impact, land surface models, evaporation and precipitation, floods and droughts, water resources, land-atmosphere interaction, ecohydrology, climate model evaluation, land use and land cover change, statistical hydrology

Editorial Board

Krishna AchutaRao Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India
Regional climate change, weather and climate extremes, detection and attribution, event attribution, climate risk assessment, adaptation to climate change, climate modelling, climate variability, climate model validation and diagnosis, ocean heat content and sea-level rise

Michelle L Bell Yale University, USA
Air pollution, climate change, environmental health, epidemiology, climate policy, environmental justice

Edoardo Borgomeo University of Cambridge, UK
Water policy, climate change adaptation, system analysis, transboundary water management, quantitative policy analysis, irrigation

Benjamin Brock Northumbria University, UK
Cryospheric science, energy balance and melt modelling of snow and ice, micrometeorology, climate change, mountain hydrology, water sustainability in mountain regions

Jennifer Burney University of California, San Diego, USA
Food security, climate impacts, aerosols, adaptation, impact evaluation

Yang Chen Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, China Meteorological Administration, China
Weather and climate extremes, compound events, regional climate change, detection and attribution, constrained projection, monsoonal precipitation, large-scale circulation, impacts and risks of climatic extremes

Rebecca Colvin Australian National University, Australia
Social-political conflict about climate and environment issues, social identity and values, social experiences of energy transition focused on wind, coal, and unconventional gas, communication and engagement on climate and environment

Felix Creutzig Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of cities, sustainable urban form, urban geospatial AI, decarbonization of transport and buildings, financing sustainable infrastructures

Ruth DeFries Columbia University, USA
Land use, remote sensing, food systems, deforestation, tropical forests, tropical agriculture, India, sustainability

Michael Dioha Clean Air Task Force, USA
Long-term energy system analysis and modelling, African energy transition, energy poverty/access, electric vehicles in Africa, energy/climate justice, energy demand assessment, scenario analysis 

Hongbo Duan University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Environmental and resource economics, AI-based integrated assessment modelling, big carbon data and green finance

Xiangzheng Deng Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Natural resources and ecosystem security; environmental geography and management; urbanization and global environment change; sustainability-based decision making.

Ralph Dubayah University of Maryland, USA
Remote sensing, surface energy and water balance, carbon cycling, biodiversity, terrestrial ecosystems

Kristie Ebi University of Washington, USA
Health impacts of climate variability and change, projected health risks of climate change scenarios, health co-benefits, health adaptation, vulnerability and adaptation assessments, national adaptation plans and planning

Matei Georgescu Arizona State University, USA
Urban climate and meteorology, urban adaptation and mitigation, renewable energy, biofuels, modelling of regional climate and climate change, land-atmosphere interactions, sustainability, land use and land cover change

Sharon Gourdji National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Climate change impacts on agriculture, seasonal climate and agricultural forecasting, agricultural water use, carbon monitoring, urban greenhouse gas emissions, atmospheric inverse modelling, geostatistics

Donna Green University of New South Wales, Australia
Indigenous knowledge, climate adaptation, air pollution, energy policy and interdisciplinary environmental issues

Emily Grubert University of Notre Dame, USA
Socioenvironmental assessment, life cycle assessment, energy systems, energy-water nexus, environmental social science, digital humanities, environmental justice, community-based research, energy policy, water resources management

Daniel E. Horton Northwestern University, USA
Climate, climate extremes, climate impacts, Earth System Modelling, air quality modelling, air pollution, hydrometeorological hazards

Arpad Horvath University of California, Berkeley, USA
Life-cycle assessment, environmental assessment of civil infrastructure systems

Gokul Iyer Joint Global Change Research Institute, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Long-term energy system transitions, multisector dynamics, decarbonization, integrated modelling and analysis, sustainable development, energy-water-land interactions

Robert Jackson Stanford University, USA
Earth systems, global change, climate impacts, carbon cycle, land use, terrestrial ecology, energy

Meha Jain University of Michigan, USA
Sustainable food systems, smallholder farms, adaptation, climate change, remote sensing

Gensuo Jia Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Global change, ecosystem dynamics, land-atmosphere interactions, climate change and extremes, Earth observation, disaster risks, sustainability

Tobias Kuemmerle Geography Department, Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany
Land-use change, tropical deforestation, agricultural expansion, intensification and abandonment, biodiversity patterns and change, area-based conservation, conservation planning and effectiveness, spatial ecology, megafauna

Sharad Kumar Jain Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India
Surface water hydrology, hydrologic modelling, water governance, environmental impacts of hydro-projects, and impacts of climate change on water sectors

Shinjiro Kanae Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Terrestrial hydrology, climate change impact assessment, land surface models, hydrological models, floods and droughts, global water resources, water withdrawal and consumption, land-atmosphere interaction, Asian monsoon, heavy precipitation

David Konisky, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
Environmental politics and policy, environmental justice, clean energy transition, U.S. federalism and state politics, public attitudes toward climate, energy, and the environment

Elena Kukavskaya Sukachev Institute of Forest of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Russian Federation
Boreal forests, wildfires, fire ecology, fire effects, fuel loads, fire emissions, fire management

Kara Lavender Law Sea Education Association, USA
Marine debris and litter, environmental degradation of plastics, distribution of plastic marine debris driven by ocean physics, large-scale ocean circulation and transport, intermediate and deep water formation in the North Atlantic, meridional overturning circulation, ocean deep convection.

William Lamb Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany
Climate change mitigation, emissions trends and drivers, climate discourses, political economy, climate and energy policy, carbon dioxide removal, residual emissions, systematic reviews

Jianping Li Ocean University of China, China
Climate dynamics, monsoon, predictability, annular modes, air-land-sea interactions, interdecadal variability

Ke Li Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology (NUIST), China
Atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric environment change, climate-chemistry interactions, atmospheric modelling, climatic and societal impacts of air pollution, future projections, mitigation strategies, extreme events, natural emissions, transboundary transport

Tuck-Po Lye Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
Environmental anthropology, human-animal relations, hunter-gatherers, indigenous knowledge, conservation and people, tropical forests, perception and sensory knowledge of the environment

Karen McKinnon University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Heat extremes, continental climate, land-atmosphere interactions, internal variability, statistical methods, detection and attribution 

Katrin Meissner University of New South Wales, Australia
Climate change (past, present and future), physical oceanography, palaeoceanography, biogeochemistry, Earth System modelling

Heather Randell University of Minnesota, USA
Health and well-being impacts of climate change, dam building and displacement, environmental change and sustainable development, food security and nutrition, migration

Narasimha Rao Yale University, USA
Energy poverty, income inequality, decent living standards, household energy, demand-side mitigation, technology adoption, wellbeing, climate equity

Joeri Rogelj Imperial College London, UK and International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria
Connecting insights from geoscience to climate policy. Integrated assessment modelling, scenario analysis, carbon budgets, uncertainty analysis, trade-offs and synergies between air-pollution, climate and development policies

Bridget Scanlon University of Texas, Austin, USA
Water and sustainability, evaluation of the impact of climate variability and land use change on groundwater resources, the application of numerical models for simulating variably saturated flow and transport, and the assessment of natural and anthropogenic contamination of aquifers, including arsenic and nitrate

Ursula Scharler University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Ecosystem modelling and analysis, food webs, estuarine ecology, coastal and marine ecology, energy and nutrient budgets, stoichiometry, connectivity, ecosystem impacts and fisheries, mangrove ecology

Jana Sillmann University of Hamburg, Germany
Weather and climate extremes, climate change, climate variability, climate model evaluation, climate impacts, atmospheric circulation patterns, weather patterns, air pollution, ozone, risk assessment

Margaret Skutsch Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico
Forest carbon, degradation, enhancement, dry tropical forest, forest sink, politics of climate change mitigation, REDD+, payments for ecosystem services, command-and-control, community management

Krishna Prasad Vadrevu NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, USA and University of Maryland College Park, USA
Remote Sensing, land cover/land use changes, land atmosphere interactions, vegetation fires and emissions, biodiversity, agroecosystems and sustainability

Michelle van Vliet Utrecht University, Netherlands
Water-food-energy-ecosystem nexus, global water resources modelling, global/regional water quality and pollution assessments, climate change impacts on water resources, cross-sectoral competition for water resources, water scarcity, sector water use modelling and assessment, environmental flow requirements, hydropower and thermoelectric power modelling, model intercomparison and multi-model assessments

Chenghao Wang University of Oklahoma, USA
Urban meteorology and climatology, atmospheric transport and dispersion, land–atmosphere interactions, hydrometeorology, urban energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, complex networks and systems, urban sustainability

Frank Wania University of Toronto Scarborough, Canada
Environmental chemistry, persistent organic pollutants, contaminant exposure, bioaccumulation, environmental phase distribution, contaminant fate model, air sampling, chemical long range transport, chemical assessment, chemical property prediction

Portia Adade Williams CSIR-Science and Technology Policy Research Institute, Ghana
Climate adaptation, climate and development, Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA), science-policy interface, poverty and livelihoods, food systems, feasibility and effectiveness of adaptation options, socio-political aspects of solar radiation modification (SRM)

Bingyi Wu Fudan University, China
Arctic atmospheric circulation variability, Arctic sea ice-atmosphere interaction, Arctic warming, linkage between Arctic and mid-latitudes, East Asian monsoon variability and its impact, extreme cold/heatwave event

Chuixiang Yi Queens College, City University of New York, USA
Tree mortality, forest resilience and tipping points, ecosystem responses to extreme weather and climate, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, eddy flux measurements and modelling from globally synthetic data analysis to site-specific analysis

Huiling Yuan Nanjing University, China
Hydrometeorology, numerical weather prediction, ensemble forecasting, land surface processes, land-atmosphere interaction, heavy precipitation, data assimilation, hydrological models, floods and droughts, weather and climate extremes, aviation meteorology

Chi Zhang Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Climate mitigation’s impacts to environment and health, climate policy, health co-benefits and sustainability, energy economics, environmental economics, renewable energy management

Founding Editor-in-Chief

Daniel M Kammen University of California, Berkeley, USA
Energy science and engineering, renewable energy, energy efficiency, risk assessment, climate change and energy futures, energy systems in developed and developing nations

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