What files to submit for your new article
The files you need to submit on initial submission are:
A PDF of the complete manuscript for review (designated 'Complete Document for Review (PDF Only)'), containing the names and institutes of authors, and figures and tables embedded within the text. Authors are asked to consider the need for clarity and readability when selecting column type, line spacing, font size and layout when preparing the PDF, to assist reviewers.
Any permissions that you have already obtained at this stage.
Any suitable supplementary data (see below for details about suitable files).
We encourage you to submit supplementary data files with your manuscript. If you are submitting video files, most standard file formats are suitable: animated GIF, AVI, MPG, etc. However, we strongly recommend video files be delivered in the MPEG-4 container, encoded with the H264 codec. Other formats are permitted, but using MPEG-4 will provide the most faithful rendering of your video in the HTML journal article.
Video files should be a maximum of 10 MB file size each. Exceptions can be made in cases where larger files are essential for the science being presented.
The recommended settings are:
- Frame size: 480 x 360 pixels
- Frame rate: 15 frames/s
- Data rate: 150 kB/s.
Some of our journals encourage authors to submit video abstracts. Read more about video abstracts here.