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IOP Science

What files to submit for your revised article

The files you need to submit for revised submissions are:


A document (Word file) containing a list of all the changes made (if your changes are not highlighted in the manuscript) and a point-by-point response to each referee comment.


A PDF of the complete revised manuscript (designated 'Complete Document for Review (PDF Only)'), containing the names and institutes of authors, and figures and tables embedded within the text (both a clean version of the revised manuscript, and also a version with the changes highlighted). The highlighted manuscript should be anonymised, should authors choose to follow the double anonymous peer review model.


The latest set of source files, e.g. TeX/LaTeX files or a single Word file (which includes figure/table captions) and individual figure files. It is also possible to archive or compress large files as a zip file.


Any supplementary data files, including video abstracts (if invited).


Any permissions that you have already obtained at this stage.