What appears online as part of the Accepted Manuscript?
- Title and abstract: these are taken from those entered on the submission form. Therefore, please check and ensure these are correct and do not include any LaTex coding.
- Author(s) and affiliations: these are taken from ScholarOne account details. Therefore, please check and ensure this information is up to date and matches the manuscript PDF. Please note: only one primary affiliation per author is supported for the Accepted Manuscript, this will be updated for the final published version of the manuscript.
As the main manuscript information that appears alongside the PDF is taken from data entered by the author in ScholarOne, we advise authors to carefully check over any text entered during the submission process. In particular, we recommend using the ‘Special Characters’ functionality in ScholarOne to insert any non-standard formatting and text wherever possible, e.g. for LaTeX code. This will help to ensure that the manuscript information is accurately displayed when the Accepted Manuscript in made available online.