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Mr Fetene Teshome Teferi , Bahir Dar University
(‘Optimization of SiC reinforced Al7039/Cu composites for enhanced thermal conductivity and hardness via response surface methodology‘, Materials Research Express)
“I am delighted to see our valuable research now accessible online. This achievement would not have been possible without the dedicated efforts and exceptional support provided by the entire MRX team.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the professionalism and efficiency demonstrated throughout the publication process. The journal’s unique attributes, such as its commitment to open access, support for researchers from low-income countries, rapid publication process, and highly professional and constructive peer-review system, make MRX truly outstanding. The user-friendly platform has been an invaluable resource, especially for early-career researchers, and fosters a transparent and optimistic environment for scholarly communication.
I am deeply satisfied with every step of the process and am motivated to continue contributing to MRX in the future. Your dedication to supporting authors is commendable, and I genuinely appreciate the opportunity to be a part of the MRX community.”
Dr Parinita Agrawal , Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre
(‘Biopolymeric corneal lenticules by digital light processing based bioprinting: a dynamic substitute for corneal transplant‘, Biomedical Materials)
“IOP Publishing prioritizes quality and embraces advancements in research, making it an exceptional platform for recognizing and learning from new contributions in the field.“
Jen Nissen, Ulm University
(‘Interaction phenomena of electrically coupled cells under local reactant starvation in automotive PEMFC stacks‘, JPhys Energy)
“Publishing my first paper via JPhysEnergy was a great experience. The instructions are easily understandable, the simple free format submission works well, the time between submission and acceptance was very short and the communication with the editors works very fine.
It was really convenient to publish via JPhysEnergy. The simple open access coverage via transformative agreement was a great experience.“
Chinonso Ugwumadu, Ohio University
(‘Computer simulation of carbonization and graphitization of coal‘, Nanotechnology)
“I chose to publish with IOP Publishing in Nanotechnology because it is a reputable publisher and a high impact journal. The publishing process was timely, efficient and seamlessly easy. It was a quick publishing journey and proofing was very good.
My thought on publishing research open access is that it’s a very good choice for researchers, since the work can be read by others for free and on time.”
Bhawana Upadhyay, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)
(‘Breaking the silence: the complex nexus of gender and climate change in Nepal‘, Environmental Research: Climate)
“My publishing journey with IOP Publishing has been nothing short of excellent – a smooth, rewarding experience I would recommend to fellow researchers. The professionalism and support provided by the IOP Publishing team have been invaluable. Publishing with IOP Publishing has not only elevated the visibility of my research but has also opened doors to a community of like-minded researchers and reviewers. The opportunity to share insights, receive feedback, and engage with others in the field has been enriching and inspiring. I am immensely thankful for the chance to contribute to advancing knowledge in my field. For researchers seeking a seamless and fulfilling publishing experience, consider IOP Publishing.”
Dr. John L. Lyons, US Naval Research Laboratory
(‘A p-type dopable ultrawide-bandgap oxide‘, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter)
Why did you choose to publish with IOP Publishing and the journal you selected?
In order to participate in the Emerging Leaders 2023 Collection, and to have my article included in an Open Access format.
What was your publishing experience?
It was a smooth and seamless experience, as good as any I have had so far. The editors were very responsive, and the refereeing process was efficient and professional.
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Definitely do consider it, especially if your institution has a Transformative Agreement with IOP Publishing. This provides a great way to have an open access publication in a high-quality journal without any cost to the author.
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I strongly believe all scientific journals should be open access, but the cost for the authors is often prohibitive. In this regard, the Transformative Agreement that IOP Publishing has with my institution is very valuable.
Dr Kartikey Thakar, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
(‘Optoelectronic and photonic devices based on transition metal dichalcogenides‘, Materials Research Express)
What influenced your decision to publish your article as open access?
Since we were writing a review article, it would have been more effective according to us to have it published as open access. It would make it easier for researchers either getting started in the same field or already active in research to have easy access to this article.
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I believe that open access articles have better visibility to a wider audience rather than articles published behind a subscription paywall, especially in those cases where universities or organizations cannot afford to have such paid access to the publisher.
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Publishing research studies as open access can make the scientific knowledge available to the whole community free of cost, which can result in accelerated knowledge sharing. It can also enhance the potential collaborations across research fields and promote interdisciplinary research.
Dr He Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
(‘Space charge dynamics of epoxy/micro-Al2O3 composites under multi-physical fields‘, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics)
Why did you choose to publish with IOP Publishing and the journal you selected?
While this contribution was by invitation, the compelling reputation of IOP journals made the decision a natural one. Having read numerous articles in the relevant field through my academic journey, particularly in the esteemed Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (JPD), I was eager to contribute our research to this high-quality journal.
How did you find the publishing experience?
The publishing experience with IOP was excellent. The submission system’s user-friendly interface facilitated a smooth process, and the editorial team demonstrated exceptional efficiency, professionalism, and responsibility in managing manuscripts. The reviewers’ insightful questions were immensely valuable for enhancing the manuscript’s quality. Remarkably, the entire timeline from submission to acceptance and online publication spanned less than two months, leaving us highly satisfied with the overall experience.
Advice for other researchers
My advice to fellow researchers is to diligently seek out journals aligned with their research topics. In this regard, IOP Publishing consistently stands out as an excellent choice. The efficiency and quality exhibited throughout the publication process, coupled with the broad relevance of IOP journals, make them a reliable platform for disseminating valuable research contributions.
Dr Nazar Delegan, Argonne National Laboratory
(‘Deterministic nanoscale quantum spin-defect implantation and diffraction strain imaging‘, Nanotechnology)
Dr Nazar Delegan and his colleagues published their research open access in Nanotechnology. They found the publishing process “very straightforward” and said that publishing scientific research as open access research “is necessary”. Nazar’s advice for researchers is to “do good research and put it out there” for the scientific community.
Professor Venugopal Rao Soma, University of Hyderabad
(‘Single-step fabrication of hybrid germanium-gold/silver nanoentities by femtosecond laser ablation and applications in SERS-based sensing‘, Nanotechnology)
Advice for other researchers: “IOP journals are good.”
Dr Rudranil Basu, BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus, India
(‘Topological phases in coupled polyyne chains‘, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter)
Why did you choose to publish with IOP Publishing and the journal you selected?: “I published three papers in Classical and Quantum Gravity, IOP Publishing, during my graduate days. The publishing process, especially the peer review one was highly professional. I really liked the model of getting an article peer reviewed by at least two referees, really helpful. This practise, in comparison to other journals I publish my articles in, High energy Physics/ Quantum Gravity, is greatly appreciated.”
How did you find the publishing experience?: “It was nice and smooth.”
Advice for other researchers: “I would advise to make their abstracts as crisp as possible. Moreover, the main message an article aims to deliver should be broadly clear in the first few line of the introductory section. This helps reviewers get a clearer and quicker understanding of the merit of the problem the article wishes to explore.”
What are your thoughts on open access publishing: “The open access policy is great but should be field dependent. Works which are hugely public fund dependent, should at some point be accessible to the public.”
Dr Andrew Logsdail, Cardiff University
(‘Investigation of the Pd(1−x)Znx alloy phase diagram using ab initio modelling approaches‘, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter)
How did you find the publishing experience? “Very good. The platform and interaction with the editorial team has been pleasant, and the reviewers mainly knowledgeable.”
What are your thoughts on publishing your research as open access? “I’m very supportive of this initiative.”
Dr Rui Li, Yanshan University
(‘Low-energy hole subband dispersions in a cylindrical Ge nanowire: the effects of the nanowire growth direction‘, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter)
Advice for other researchers: “JPCM is good journal, please send your unpublished paper to this journal, and kindly cite the papers published in this journal.”
Professor Marie Abboud, Saint Joseph University
(‘Polarized laser speckle images produced by calibrated polystyrene microspheres suspensions: comparison between backscattering and transmission experimental configurations‘, Laser Physics)
Dr Kingshuk Adhikary, IACS, Jadavpur
(‘Dissipative phase transition in an open Tavis–Cummings model with a two-photon drive’, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics)
Dr Sharareh Sayyad, Max-Planck-Institut fur die Physik des Lichts
(‘Nematicity-enhanced superconductivity in systems with a non-Fermi liquid behavior’, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter)
How did you find the publishing experience? “Overall an efficient and professional procedure from the submission of our manuscript until its publication.”
Professor Chiashain Chuang, Chung Yuan Christian University
(‘Enhancing optical characteristics of mediator-assisted wafer-scale MoS2 and WS2 on h-BN’, Nanotechnology)
Mr Srinivasan R, VIT Chennai
(‘Advances in silicon nanowire applications in energy generation, storage, sensing, and electronics: a review’, Nanotechnology)
Dr Martino Aldrigo, National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT Bucharest), Romania
(‘Harvesting microwave energy using pyroelectricity of nanostructured graphene/zirconium-doped hafnium oxide ferroelectric heterostructures’, Nanotechnology)
“IOP Publishing offers high-quality journals to publish on, with a high review standard and an exceptional editorial process.”
Dr Eduardo Cuesta, University of Valladolid
(‘Grey-level intensity measurements processing by means of Volterra equations and Least Squares Method for Video restoration’, Physica Scripta)
“My experience with IOP Publishing has been quite: fast, quick and easy. From the first step (submission) to the final acceptance.”
Mr. Yu Hao Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences
(‘Evolution of turbulence characteristics in the pre-precursor phase of tearing mode included disruption in the core of EAST‘, Physica Scripta)
“The communication with the editor was very pleasant.”
Dr Hmayag Partamian, American University of Beirut (AUB)
(‘Analysis of task-related MEG functional brain networks using dynamic mode decomposition’, Journal of Neural Engineering)
“Very professional communication and walkthrough from submission to publication. The editor’s promptness and the reviewer’s responses were so accurate. They all helped enhance the quality of the manuscript. I can only thank IOP Publishing for this amazing publication journey.”
Mr Pongpisit Thanasutives, Osaka University
(‘Noise-aware physics-informed machine learning for robust PDE discovery’, Machine Learning: Science and Technology)
“Reviewers’ suggestions around a crucial aspect of the work helped improve the manuscript. Speed and quality of the responses I got from the journal were also very good. Definitely a high-quality peer-review process!”
Dr Tianshu Xie, Chiba University
(‘Enhanced contact properties of MoTe2-FET via laser-induced heavy doping’, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics)
“It only took one month from submission to acceptance, and the review efficiency is very high. Both the reviewers and the editors have put forward good comments on the paper, and the feedback on the questions is also very timely. Thank you for this pleasant submission experience.”
Dr Yacine Fodil, University Mouloud Mammeri of Tizi-Ouzou (UMMTO)
(‘A novel ANN adaptive Riemannian-based kernel classification for motor imagery’, Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express)
“The experience with IOP Publishing was very positive, once the paper was reviewed, the exchanges were frequent, precise and efficient.”
Professor Asaad R. Sakhel, Al-Balqa Applied University
(‘Unpredictable condensate–depletion dynamics in one-dimensional power-law traps’, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter)
“Institute of Physics has always been fair and accurate. I published quite a number of times in their journals, and I was always happy with the way the manuscripts were handled. The peer review process always resulted in improving the manuscripts. I recommend IOP Publishing to everyone.”
Professor Ann-Marie Pendrill, Lund University
(‘From skating rink to physics assignment—viewing a photo from a mechanics perspective’, Physics Education)
“I enjoy publishing with Physics Education, which I find has a good and relatively unique scope, covering student age groups from around 10 year-olds to introductory university, with a mix of papers from physics to educational research, but always with the usefulness to physics teachers at the centre.
I do appreciate the fast turnaround and in general good and constructive comments from IOP Publishing reviewers and editors, which I remember also from my atomic physics days, publishing in J. Phys. B. I like the smooth and accurate submission and production process from LaTeX template to proof and publication.” (photo credit Emelie Asplund)
Professor Harrison Lourenço Corrêa, Federal University of Paraná
(‘Analysis of mechanical and thermal properties of polypropylene composite reinforced with Luffa cylindrica’, Engineering Research Express)
“I already published two manuscripts with IOP Publishing. I just have to say: You do a nice job! Fast response, anonymous review and excellence in the review process. Keep the brilliant work, IOPP Team!!! And thanks to all support.”
Dr Bo-Yuan Ning, Fudan University
(‘Pressure-induced structural phase transitions of zirconium: an ab initio study based on statistical ensemble theory’, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter)
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Dr Andras Laszlo, Wigner Research Centre for Physics
(‘On generally covariant mathematical formulation of Feynman integral in Lorentz signature’, Classical and Quantum Gravity)
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Dr Jurandir Marcos Sá de Sousa, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
(‘Tribological performance of Ni-Cr-B-Si coatings deposited via laser cladding process’, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties)
“IOP Publishing is an excellent choice, in terms of speed, quality and assistance provided. I recommend.”
Mr Joel B. Abraham, University College London
(‘Radial Evolution of Thermal and Suprathermal Electron Populations in the Slow Solar Wind from 0.13 to 0.5 au: Parker Solar Probe Observations’, The Astrophysical Journal)
“The process has been swift and efficient with regards to the production side. The response from IOP Publishing has been prompt. I look forward to submitting my future research with IOP Publishing and AAS journals.”
Ms Sophia Flury, University of Massachusetts Amherst
(‘The Low-redshift Lyman Continuum Survey. II. New Insights into LyC Diagnostics’, The Astrophysical Journal)
“•The peer review process was excellent in both cases and truly helped the papers to mature as scientific works before publication.
•The flexibility for deadlines with refereed revisions was readily provided when needed, for which we are grateful.
•The science editor (ApJS) for paper I provided excellent assistance in making our results publicly available to the rest of the community.
Mr Benjamin J Hord, University of Maryland
(‘The Discovery of a Planetary Companion Interior to Hot Jupiter WASP-132 b’, The Astronomical Journal)
“As an early career scientist, AAS Journals made it very easy for me to navigate the submission, peer review, and publication process which can oftentimes seem opaque to those without prior experience submitting to a scientific journal. I am definitely pleased with the level of service I received. The process was smooth and very straightforward. I look forward to publishing in the AAS Journals again!”
Dr Raul de la Fuente Marcos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
(‘An Update on the Future Flyby of Gliese 710 to the Solar System Using Gaia DR3: Flyby Parameters Reproduced, Uncertainties Reduced’, The RNAAS Research Notes of the AAS)
“Everything went fine as usual. We never had a problem with AAS journals. All the people involved in the processing/publishing of our contribution were helpful and any replies were timely and spot on.”
Dr Kotomi Taniguchi, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
(‘Vibrationally Excited Lines of HC3N Associated with the Molecular Disk around the G24.78+0.08 A1 Hypercompact H ii Region’, The Astrophysical Journal)
“I am really happy to publish our paper in ApJ.
The publication procedure of ApJ is very fast and clear, and we are very satisfied with it.
I will continue to do researches with great effort so that we can publish better papers for the journal.”
Dr B.-B. Wang, University of Alabama in Huntsville
(‘Turbulent Cosmic Ray–Mediated Shocks in the Hot Ionized Interstellar Medium’, The Astrophysical Journal)
“The publication is so smooth that I am very pleased with the help. I would love to have my future works published in IOP Publishing, particularly the AAS journals.”
Professor Ulisse Munari, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Padova
(‘Flickering Returns as RS Oph Reestablishes Quiescent Conditions Following its 2021 Nova Outburst’, The RNAAS Research Notes of the AAS)
“I enjoyed the way my RNAAS was handled by the editorial staff and by the publishing team.
Dr Joseph R. Masiero, IPAC/Caltech
(‘Asteroid Polarimetric Phase Behavior in the Near-infrared: S- and C-complex Objects’, The Planetary Science Journal)
“As usual, working with PSJ and IOP Publishing was a great experience. The process was really easy and very well-handled by the staff. I definitely look forward to publishing again with IOPP.”
Dr. Marina Brozovic, California Institute of Technology
(‘Orbits of the Irregular Satellites of Uranus and Neptune’, The Astronomical Journal)
“I was very pleased with the publishing process for the Astronomical Journal.
I would say that this was the best editing job that I ever had on my manuscripts, and I was very happy with the outcome.”
Dr. Woyengipere Oluwaseun Etebu, Federal College of Education Technical Omuku
(‘SU (1,1) the hidden dynamical symmetry group for an exact bound state of the Hulthen potential’, Physica Scripta)
“IOP Publishing organization is a great place to publish your fascinating ideas that would lead to the the development of needed scientific knowledge. Their website is loaded with lots of guide tips and some relationship tips, on how to present your written article and respond to the referees comments. I bet you, you would learn a whole lot even if your article is rejected.”
Dr. Ayman Sandouqa, Al-Balqa Applied University
(‘Comparison study of bound states for diatomic molecules using Kratzer, Morse, and modified Morse potentials’, Physica Scripta)
“High quality journal”
Dr. Peter Tsung-Wen Yen, National Sun Yat-sen University
(‘First-principles study of the crystal and magnetic structures of multiferroic Cu2OCl2‘, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter)
“The peer view process is fast, and unbiased. I believe my article is examined carefully without delay. The editorial team is professional.”
Nishant Kumar Kolli, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning
(‘Exploring the potential structural, optical, dielectric facets and in-vitro behavior of combeite synthesized by the sol-gel route’, Physica Scripta)
“IOP Publishing is doing a great job in all aspects!!”
Dr. Ridwan Wicaksono, Chiba University
(‘Wearable sectorial electrical impedance tomography and k-means clustering for measurement of gastric processes’, Measurement Science and Technology)
“IOP Publishing provides good reviewers for student’s manuscript, especially to improve their research level.”
Mr. Chia-Lung Hung, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
(‘Design, Process, and Characterization of Complementary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Circuits and Six-Transistor Static Random-Access Memory in 4H-SiC’, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology)
“The reason I chose the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology for my research works is because of it’s reputation and the peer review process is rigorous and time-efficient compared to other journals. The most important thing is the quality of the published papers. As you may know, there are lots of so called ‘predatory journals’ prevailing the academic field. Papers from those kinds of journals normally don’t have qualified review and could make the reader glean the wrong information or, even worse, make a researcher take the wrong direction in their experiments. This is the main point I want to highlight about IOP Publishing.
I also want to highlight the submit and review system. It is very easy for an author to deliver works without spending too much time figuring out what they need to do with the system. During the review process, I also felt comforted by the question feedback and solutions from the Editor in Chief.
So overall, IOP Publishing is very helpful to authors who can deliver their research works efficiently and quality controlled. I would be happy to deliver my works to IOP Publishing in the future.”
Professor Anna Gina Perri, Polytechnic University of Bari
(‘Review—Thermal Effects in the Design of CNTFET – Based Digital Circuits’, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology)
“It was great for me to publish with IOP Publishing / ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology.
The whole process of submitting the paper, its peer review, the acceptance and post acceptance processes were fast and I never had any problems in getting in touch with either the editor or the publishing staff regarding the progress of publishing. In particular I wish to thank James Cottle, Production Editor, and Paul Cooper, Beth Schademann and Andrea Guenzel, Editorial Managers of ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, for their constant support and kindness.
Moreover, I am very impressed by the high quality of publications in IOP Publishing journals, which are of great benefit to all researchers and students around the world to get information on state-of-the-art technologies.
With the kind of experience that I have had, I would love to publish with IOP Publishing again in the future too and, in particular, to support the prestigious ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, whose topics fall into my research field.”
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