International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing: Outstanding Reviewer Awards 2023
Outstanding Reviewers
Professor Qi Ge, Southern University of Science and Technology, China
Professor Jie Jiang, Central South University, China
Professor Guanhua Zhang, Hunan University, China
Professor Feng Jiang, Huaqiao University, China
Professor Mahdi Bodaghi, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom
Professor Kui Liu, Singapore Insitute of Manufacturing Technology, Singapore
Professor Yonglai Zhang, Jilin University, China
Professor Swee Leong Sing, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Professor Razvan Stoian, Hubert Curien Laboratory, France
Professor João Pedro Oliveira, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal
Professor Xianfeng Shen, Institute of Machinery Manufacturing Technology, China Academy of Engineering Physics, China
Professor Wai Yee Yeong, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Professor Jeong Ho Cho, Yonsei University, Korea (the Republic of)
Professor Dae-Hyeong Kim, Seoul National University, Korea (the Republic of)
Professor Glen McHale, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom