Graphical abstracts
A graphical abstract is a single image which is intended to assist readers with a fast summary of a scholarly article. This image does not have to be a figure from your article, but it should be related to the topic of the paper, and be visually striking (we ask that you do not submit images of/from graphs).
They should not be under any Copyright, or require any permission for its reuse, and should not contain any potentially offensive, inappropriate, or unethical language or images.
Graphical abstracts are optional for submissions to .
If you would like a Graphical abstract to be considered as part of your manuscript, please ensure that it is submitted with the original submission, not the revised version.
When including a graphical abstract with your submission, the prefix “GA” must be included in the filename, e.g., “GA[filename].jpg”, and uploaded separately as a Source File. Graphical abstracts should not be included in the manuscript PDF, nor uploaded as Supplementary files.
Please note that authors do not need to prepare the image file to a particular size. However, the same image will be displayed at 500px wide on the article page and 120px wide on the Issue page, so please keep this in mind when selecting your image.