FAQ's for authors
What benefits will authors get from publishing under a transformative agreement with IOPP?
As well as removing the administrative burden of dealing with invoices for APC’s, authors will benefit from greater visibility and impact for their research. IOPP’s open access articles typically receive 70% higher downloads and 15% higher citations when compared with non-open access articles. Authors can also comply with, and future-proof themselves against, a growing number of funder requirements while retaining their copyright with a CC BY 4.0 license. Find out more about the benefits of open access.
How does IOPP identify an author’s eligibility?
We check corresponding authors’ affiliations against all known variations of institution name to ensure we capture eligible articles under an agreement.
Which author is the eligible author?
All our agreements are based on the corresponding author at the time of submission. The corresponding author is the person listed as Corresponding Author at the time of submission, and is the person responsible for communicating with the journal during the peer review and publication process.
What do authors need to do to take advantage of a transformative agreement?
They simply need to submit their work as they normally would, ensuring that their affiliation is correct at submission, and we will identify if it is eligible, and contact the author to let them know.
What date do you use to decide eligibility?
Eligibility is assessed using the acceptance date of the article.
Is there a grace period for authors who paid an APC just before the transformative agreement was signed?
For an article to be included in the transformative agreement, the acceptance date must be within the license term.
Can authors opt out of open access publishing under the transformative agreement?
Publishing within a TA is always the author’s choice. In case the benefits are unclear, we encourage authors to read our guide that debunks some of the myths surrounding OA publishing.
Is there a period of time in which the author must opt out?
We encourage corresponding authors to make a decision within 5 days to ensure our excellent author service standards are maintained. However, to publish open access, all authors have to sign a CC BY license associated with their article, so the timing choice is ultimately theirs to make.
What copyright license is applied to articles published through transformative agreements?
Articles published through transformative agreements are published under a CC BY 4.0 license. This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the author’s work, even commercially, as long the original work is appropriately credited. See our short video for more information on signing your copyright form to publish under a transformative agreement.