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Permission email template - reusing material in new IOP content

If the content you wish to reuse isn’t available on the Copyright Clearance Centre or PLSClear, you may need to email the copyright owner directly. The following template can be used in these cases. Please modify/add any other details as appropriate:


Dear Copyright owner: _________________


I am the author of a new article entitled: ________________________________

This has been submitted to the following journal published by IOP Publishing: __________________________________

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Information about the content I wish to reuse:

(original book or journal title, original source URL, article or chapter (full citation details), author(s) details):____________________________________________________________________

(specific figure or table numbers or text excerpts being reused/adapted):____________________________________________________________________

For your information, IOP is a signatory to the STM Permissions Guidelines.

Please could you respond to this email confirming that you grant the rights as set out above to IOP Publishing Ltd.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this request.

Yours faithfully,


